NW Governor, SG Jean Nkuete and Yang Philemon |
For the past twelve days the 9 candidates for the 2018 presidential elections have been conducting campaigns across the country. With a few days to the electoral polling (07/10/18) only the CPDM has been seen campaigning in the troubled NW region.
Mr. Nkuete emphasized "Cameroonians are rightfully entitled to peace", making it apparent who is responsible for the current stalemate in the country.
The CPDM is the party in power and true enough should guarantee peace in the entire nation like the SG made it clear. His reckon for peace is shared nationally.
NW CPDM members, supporters and sympathisers. |
For the past two years now peace has been on the lips of every Cameroonian. The churches, opposition parties, civil society and even the party in power talks about peace.
What is this prestigious jewel that a nation and her people can not afford? Who is not doing what for us to achieve it? How did we get here?
Johan Galtung, the father of peace in his distinction, defines the situation that got us here as the result of Negative Peace being "absence of violence in all forms and the unfolding of conflict in a constructive way". It was easier and better for the party in power to have managed the situation at the level stated above.
However, the importance of peace to a nation can not be over emphasized. This is the reason why all Cameroonians must get onboard to network towards its realization. Peace will exist when we interact nonviolently with respect for the legitimate needs and interests of all concerned.
Several elements account for peace, but the most important thing is one's inward state of mind. Inner peace eventually leads to external peace. The agitations of the mind, caused by various factors, produce repressions in the external atmosphere that lead to social conflicts.
Peace remains a well managed social conflict. Dr King, reminds us that peace is not only the absence of tension, but the presence of justice.
If both camps should cease fire, then the red carpet for peace and negotiations would then in effect be rolled.
Ambe Macmillian Awa